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Image of a Wooden Container.

Containers(コンテナ Kontena?) are cubic-shaped boxes generally set throughout the stages in numerous Sonic games. These objects usually contain special items or animals the player can pick up after destroying the boxes. Breaking containers also contributes to the score the player gets during and after a level. Sometimes these objects block the player's path, which he/she must destroy or find another route to progress in the game. In Sonic 06, Silver the Hedgehog can use the containers as a shield or as a projectile to throw at enemies. The default type is a wooden container and has many other variants.

List of Containers

Steel Container

Steel Containers(アイアンコンテナ Aian Kontena?, lit. "Iron Container") are sturdier than its wooden counterpart. A character needs to use his or her special, upgraded move to destroy it.

Unbreakable Container

Unbreakable Containers(ブラックコンテナ Burakku Kontena?, lit. "Black Container") are the strongest type of containers in the game. Naturally, these cannot be broken.


Cages(ケージ Kēji?) are usually set to block the player's path and may contain animals, item boxes, or a Special Stage Key. In Sonic Adventure 2, these are only broken by releasing a special missile while in Sonic Heroes requires the use of the Power Formation skill.

Chao Container

Chao Containers(チャオコンテナ Chao Kontena?) have a design and color palette of a normal Chao. It contains animals and a Chao Key.

Cases(入れ物 Iremono?) are high tech cages with either switch, spring, or any other object inside that the player has to use to progress in the stage.