Gaia Manuscripts

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Image of Gaia Manuscripts

The Gaia Manuscripts(ガイア文書 Gaia Bunsho?, lit. Gaia Documents) are important documents exclusive to Sonic Unleashed. These manuscripts contains records and knowledge of a legendary disaster known as the Time of Awakening caused by the previous emergence of Dark Gaia that occurred over ten thousand years ago. Originally, the Gaia Manuscripts were presently in possession of Professor Pickle before it was stolen by Dr.Eggman.


  • "The abomination grows strong on the negative energies of the world, sleeping within its core for millennia in wait..." - Gaia Manuscripts, 4:11.

  • "When the beast is complete, its dark arms shall encompass the planet, ushering in the end of times. The world, in death, will fall into a deep sleep in waiting for the time of rebirth to come." - Gaia Manuscripts, 4:28.

  • "And the world shall be plunged into the dark of night, the dark of destruction."

  • "Light shall put out darkness to rout."

Time of Awakening

Effects of Time of Awakening.

The Time of Awakening(目覚めの時 Mezame no toki?) is a major global phenomenon that occurs upon Earth every few million years. During this event, the ancient creature known as Dark Gaia desires the planet's destruction by breaking it into two after obtaining full maturity. Polar opposite to this beast is Light Gaia, whom desires to protect the planet by countering Dark Gaia's wrath. The outcome of the deities confrontation is the darkness is nullified to a stalemate rather than obliterating it completely. Both beings return to the Earth's core to rest and accumulate respective energies to emerge as the perfect form when the next awakening occurs. The same cycle of the Light vs Dark deities continues and concludes endlessly throughout time.