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Gems are small crystals exclusive to Sonic 06. These objects are native to Soleanna and available to purchase after the player completes certain levels. Gems alter the color of Sonic's shoes and can give him special abilities. There are total of seven Gems in the game.

List of Gems

Red Gem Description Price
Redgem.png Slows down time when the Action Button is held down. For sale after Tails' Wave Ocean. 5000 Rings
Blue Gem Description Price
Bluegem.png Provides a small burst of speed. For sale after Tails' Wave Ocean. 7000 Rings
Yellow Gem Description Price
Yellowgem.png Creates a Lightning Shield. For sale after Kingdom Valley. 12,000 Rings
Green Gem Description Price
Greengem.png Creates a small whirlwind that damages surrounding enemies. For sale after Tails' Wave Ocean. 5000 Rings
Purple Gem Description Price
Purplegem.png Shrinks Sonic to a tiny size, increasing his speed and allowing him to jump infinitely high. For sale after Kingdom Valley. 14,000 Rings
White Gem Description Price
Whitegem.png Allows Sonic to stop in midair and perform a Homing Attack. When R1/Right Trigger is held in mid-air, Sonic can spin around and choose a precise point to Air Dash towards. The Homing Attack also has a longer range. For sale after Kingdom Valley. 8000 Rings
Sky Gem Description Price
Skygem.png Launches a gem and warps the player to the spot it lands on. The longer R1/Right Trigger is held down, the further the gem is thrown. For sale after Kingdom Valley. 10,000 Rings