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Gizoids(ギゾイド Gizoido?) are combat androids created over 4,000 years ago by an ancient civilization. These mechanical soldiers can accurately mimic the attacks of others either by simple observation or by being attacked. When Gizoids are given Chaos Emeralds, their energy is restored along with the ability to properly speak. These traits naturally allow anyone to establish a bond with them and are very loyal to whoever is their master. Before the unknown events of their extinction, the initial purpose of the Gizoids is be weapons of mass destruction. Gizoid(s) first debuted in Sonic Battle then reoccurred in Sonic Advance 3 and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

Notable Models

Image of Emerl from Sonic Battle.

Emerl: Emerl(エメル Emeru?) is the last, surviving Gizoid. He was first discovered in the ancient ruins by Professor Gerald Robotnik; whom took the android to conduct research on its structure. The knowledge he acquired about the Gizoid was recorded onto the main computer at the Central Lab; soon becoming classified information from the public. About a century later, the Gizoid was discovered again, but by Gerald's grandson; Dr.Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. He attempted to get the dormant android to function to his will, but quickly became frustrated when it did not comply and abandoned it at Emerald Beach.

The Gizoid was later found by Sonic the Hedgehog, who is the one to name it "Emerl"; a name derived from it using the power of a Chaos Emerald. Sonic was the first one to successfully establish a bond or "link" with Emerl. It soon formed links with other characters in the game, whom each have their own motives for bonding with Emerl. It develops its own personality from the traits of each person along with the amount of Chaos Emeralds it collects. The series of events soon leads to Dr.Eggman successfully luring Emerl into his base from the results of the Final Egg Blaster. However, it consumed too much energy and converted to its original programming. It set the cannon to destroy Earth after thirty seconds; causing Sonic to confront it in a swift battle. After Sonic emerges as the victor, Emerl briefly reverts back to its humanized personality before exploding and releasing the shards of the Chaos Emeralds.

Image of a Phi from Sonic Battle.

E-121 Phi(φ): The Phis(ファイ Fai?) are massively produced, gray-colored robots created by Dr.Eggman. Due to his initial belief Emerl malfunctioned, Dr.Eggman extracts the data from Emerl and uses it to create the Phi models. The Phi models functions similarly to the original Gizoid, but only require shards of a Chaos Emerald instead of a complete one. They also can only copy a complete move-set of a person instead adapting to any and all like Emerl. Dr.Eggman has sent fourteen of the Phi models to capture Emerl after realizing his mistake. In the game, model numbers 13 and 14 are able to behave similarly to Emerl after absorbing two complete Chaos Emeralds.

Image of Emerl from Sonic Advance 3.

Gemerl: Gemerl(ジーメル Jiimeru?, G-mel)[1] is another robot created by Dr.Eggman. Its data greatly derives from Emerl's; serving as the reincarnation of the deceased Gizoid. Gemerl was constructed between the aftermath of Sonic Battle and the beginning of Sonic Advance 3. Although it has the same physical structure as Emerl, its hue differs and cannot adopt the move-set of others. Instead, it has the ability to teleport, merge with other machines, fly with its jetpack, fire a barrage of missiles, and create a red energy shield. Although he initially obeyed Dr.Eggman, it soon betrayed the doctor due to the same instability Emerl had suffered. When it collected all seven Chaos Emeralds, Gemerl gained a super transformation called, Ultimate Gemerl. In its super state, Gemerl's appearance drastically changes into a large, robotic orb with four extendable arms and claw-type hands. He is naturally stronger; able to shoot energy beams that instantly freezes the opponent. After the combined efforts of Sonic and the others, Gemerl is defeated and mysteriously disappears within the explosion. Later, its corpse is discovered by Cream the Rabbit and her mother Vanilla. They took Gemerl to be repaired by Tails; thus restoring Gemerl and fully regains its memories from its previous carnation(Emerl).

Origins in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

According to the storyline in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Gizoids were created 4,000 years ago by the Nocturnus Clan. Armies of the prototypes were used to fight at the forefront in the war against the Knuckles Clan. The Gizoids successfully copied the techniques of their opponents and vanquish each one with their immense strength. This granted the Nocturnus Clan favor in the war, and briefly celebrated their victory when the Knuckles Clan became extinct by Chaos. However, thousands of years later, Nestor the Wise speculates the development of the Gizoids is the sole reason Argus exiled the Nocturnus Clan and the androids to the Twilight Cage. Imperator Pir'Oth Ix continues to use the Gizoids to subjugate other races within the dimension and uses the advanced models as a central part of the Nocturnus Army.

List of Gizoid Models

  • Gizoid Mk. II: A slightly stronger version of the basic Gizoid.

  • Gizoid Centurions: Gizoid Centurions have a protective, starry shield around them which renders the robots totally impervious to attacks. Their shields can only be disabled by using a specific sonic frequency.

  • Gizoid Guardians: Elite bodyguards of Imperator Ix that is only seen in the final boss fight of the game. These robots have a single, wide wheel in place of their feet. They attack using a massive polearm and a signature POW move, 'Crippling Arc'.

  • Prefect Charyb: A blue colored Gizoid who is one of the twin commanders of the Nocturnus Army. Charyb fights Sonic and Tails in an underwater lair as a sub-boss.

  • Prefect Scylla : A red colored Gizoid who is the other twin commander of the Nocturnus Army. Knuckles and Shade fights Scylla in his lair as a sub-boss.


The same smile returns.png

NOTE: Certain Sonic Wikipedia websites like Sonic Retro and Sonic News Network contain a discrepancy about the Gizoid(s) origins. Both sources combine the Gizoids'(including Emerl's) stories from Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood to officially state they are created by the Nocturnus Clan. However, there is no clear implication or evidence to support this claim. While Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is published by Sega and maintains basic aspects of the characters, the game contains too many contradictions of established elements of the franchise to be deemed credible.

Bioware, the developers of the game, simply derived information from Sonic Adventure of the 4,000 year time-frame and the vague statement of how Chief Pachacamac created wars with other countries. These factors were used to support the connection and existence of the Nocturnus Clan in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. However, it is never stated that the countries the chief and his followers opposed were another echidna tribe. Sonic Channel, the official Japanese website of Sega, further discredits the possibility of the Gizoids being created by the Nocturnus Clan. Below is the translation of Emerl's profile.

This puzzling robot possesses the ability to copy the looks and skills of its opponents by studying their technique. As for its true character, Professor Gerald discovered in a experiment with the Chaos Emeralds that it was the Gizoid; awakened 4000 years ago as the ultimate weapon of ancient times. Sonic destroyed it in the end, because it was running wild. As for the name Emerl, it originated because the robot moved by means of Chaos Emeralds. [Emeru from Emerarudo, in the Japanese]

This also does not state nor hint about the Nocturnus Clan creating it or its kind. The other defining evidence is Knuckles' profile specifically states he is the only surviving echidna. There is also no acknowledgement of the events in the past or following Sonic games. The official developers of the franchise, Sonic Team, had little to no involvement in the creation of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood other than granting permission to Bioware. In conclusion, the information from Sonic Battle is official due to connections of established elements like the events from Sonic Adventure 2.

Also See