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Image of a Kron.

The Kron(クロン Kuron?) are orange, rock-type creatures with a short and bulky physique. The material of their large torsos is a stone orb, which has a thin spine to connect the upper and lower part of their bodies. Embedded on their torsos are thin, glowing orange lines positioned diagonally across. Their eyes are shaped like visors and also bares an orange hue. They are the eldest race of the Twilight Cage and have their own colony called, Kron Colony. Due to their long life span, the Kron do not require sustenance or certain luxuries to survive. The Kron are highly proficient and renowned for their talent in mining and metallurgy. The leader of their kind is Foreman Krag.

During the residency of their original home world, the Kron were once a ruthless race. However, their lifestyle changes after being imprisoned within the Twilight Cage. They were soon conquered by the Nocturnus Clan and forced into servitude; quickly adapting an agreeable nature as a result of their oppression. The Kron have a stubborn, yet easygoing personality with a strong work ethic. Their way of speaking is abstract dialect of the English language, though they insist the fault of the grammatical error is on the listener rather than themselves. Their thick body structure naturally possesses high defense and strong offense. They can detach and use the large rock orb from their bodies as weapon. The negative aspect of their abilities is their slow movement.

Foreman Krag

Foreman Krag(クラグ族長 Kuragu zokuchō?, lit. "Patriarch Krag") is the foreman and leader of the Kron race. He is the one who taught his people the principle of ruling with ruthless behavior. When he and his kind became slaves to the Nocturnus Clan, he also adapted a fair nature. He soon ended the long alliance he had with Imperator Pir'Oth Ix.

Also See