Scepter of Darkness

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Scepter of Darkness

The Scepter of Darkness(闇の帳 Yami no Tobari?) is a glowing purple and white scepter exclusive to Sonic 06. This object was developed during the Solaris Project with the purpose of sealing away Mephiles the Dark. Before the events of Sonic 06, Mephiles was sealed by a time-traveling Shadow the Hedgehog inside the Scepter of Darkness, which was given to him by the dying Duke of Soleanna. However, he left it at Soleanna in the open realizing what will happen to it later. The scepter eventually came into the possession of Dr.Eggman, which Rouge the Bat was sent to steal from. Shadow went to rescue Rouge before he traveled back in time. The scepter was broken during their escaped and caused Mephiles to be released.

The Solaris Project

Control room of the Solaris Project.

The Solaris Project was a temporal research program conducted in the city-state of Soleanna lead by the Duke of Soleanna. Its true purpose is to ambitiously control time by studying and manipulating a super-dimensional phenomenon known as "The Flame of Hope", which in reality is the sun god name Solaris. Another person known to assist the Duke in the project during the time was Lord Regis; a good friend and scientist to the Duke. In a flashback of him explaining about the project, the Duke told his daughter Princess Elise, III he envisions a utopian timeline of humanity able to erase their past mistakes. He also added in response to her question that they would be able see her mother again.

Years later despite the cordon of official secrecy, Dr.Eggman was able to gain knowledge about the Solaris Project. He reproduced and surpassed the Duke's work using a Chaos Emerald in his base called, White Acropolis. Although he successfully invented a time machine, he realizes Princess Elise is needed to perfect it with Iblis.

Also See