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Shield icon Sonic 4.png
The Shield icon from Sonic 4.
First Appearance Sonic the Hedgehog(game)
Other Appearances Most Sonic games
Description A round, protective shield, which is seen colored as blue or dark green.
Purpose Protection around its user.

The Shield or Barrier(バリア Baria?) is a round, protective object usually colored in blue or dark green. Its function is providing protection to the player in the game until it is lost by absorbing a single hit of an enemy or obstacle. The Shield first debuted in Sonic the Hedgehog(game) and has reappeared in every game with numerous variants.

In Sonic Heroes, a special shield is produced from Super Sonic's power which is transferred to Tails and Knuckles. They are bestowed with powers and enhanced abilities equal to a super state transforming. It has the same principle of requiring Gold Rings to maintain its energy, though the countdown is mostly governed by Super Sonic rather than all three team members.

Also See