Sir Lancelot's Swords(alternate reality of Shadow)

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Below lists the swords of Sir Lancelot.

List of Swords

Aduro Cutlass Description
Adurocutlass.png A single-edged sword resembling a trench knife. The base of the blade is brown with glowing yellow veins and red, glyph-like stripes. The components needed to craft Aduro Cutlass are 2 Steel Longswords, 3 Cursed Longswords, 2 Flintstones, and 1 Ruby.
Aduro Khopesh Description
Adurokhopesh.png Is another blade physically similar to a trench knife. Its bares the look of erupting lava by its intense glow and fiery hues. It has a straight grip enclosed by a spiked knuckle bow with no hand guard. Components needed to craft Aduro Khopesh are 2 Steel Longswords, 2 Bronze Gauntlets, 2 Quasi-Magic Stones, and 1 Lava Jewel.
Altachiara Description
Atlachiara.png Is a double-edged sword with a wide tip. It has a brownish-gray grip and brownish-gray cross-guard with a slightly upward curve towards the blade then down on the tips. It contains a small, red diamond cut gem as the sword pommel and decorated with flowing images on the fuller part of the blade. Altachaiara is a wide sword with a rectangular shape except for its thin tip which has thin figures. Components needed for this weapon are 2 Bronze Longswords, 1 Lump of Bronze, and 2 Skipping Stones.
Arondight Description
Arondightmodel.png Is a magical, single-edged sword said to never lose its edge. It is Sir Lancelot's signature weapon and one of the Sacred Swords in the World of Camelot. It is a dark navy-blue blade with semi-serrated edge and web-like pattern near the point. On the right(blunt) side of it is gold, eight metal layers while the guard has another metal layer with a claw-shaped extension. The grip is white and thin with a golden decorated top along with a pointy sword pommel. It is only obtainable by defeating Sir Lancelot in the Deep Woods.
Ddraig Goch Description
Ddgriaggoch.png Is a single-edge sword with a cup hilt in the shape of the upper portion of Lancelot's/Shadow's head adorned with white swirling lines. It has a black grip and a red rectangular sword pommel embedded with a multicolored gem. The blade itself is also black with white swirling lines and red intricately design front edge. Components needed to craft Ddraig Goch are 2 Katanas, 2 Orichalcums, 2 Dragon Eye Stones, and 2 Medals of Lancelot.
Durendal Description
Durendal.png Is a double-edged sword with a brownish-gray grip with a small, red diamond-cut gem as a sword pommel. It also possesses a cross-guard with pointy curved bars on the sides and claw-like decorations. The shape of its blade is similar to a very long axe, but with slightly curved vertical edges at the tip and pointy sides at foot of it. It has the exact same type of flowing images and thin figures seen in Altachiara. Components need to craft Durendal are 2 Bronze Longswords, 2 Lumps of Iron, and 1 Knight.
Espadon Description
Espadon.png Is a double-edged sword with a very wide blade shaped somewhat like an ellipse. It has a straight black grip, a brown and pointy sword pommel, and a brown cross-guard with orbs at the end of the bars. Between the cross-guard and the blade is a thickly curved rim. The blade is also decorated with symbols on the silver edges and hollowed-out portions of its inner surface. Components needed to craft Espadon are 3 Steel Longswords, 2 Steel Helmets, 1 Wavestone, and 2 Kings.
Gastiga Description
Gastiga.png Is a slender double-edged sword with a wide blade. Its color base is mostly grayish white which is on the straight, thin grip and cross-guard. The grip also has a pointy bottom while the bars of the cross-guard has the appearance of spread-out wings. Gastiga also contains a golden orb with a thin figure forged and embedded onto the top recess of its guard. The blade itself is silver with a thin, black fuller. Components needed to craft Gastiga are 3 Cursed Longswords, 1 Rock Salt, and 1 Moonstone.
Morglay Description
Morgley.png Is a wide double-edged sword with a wrapped dark blue grip. It has a yellow rectangular sword pommel and a yellow cross-guard in shape of a "T". Its blade is almost as wide as its guard and the bottom of it connects to outermost top with bolts. The edges of the blade is silver with thin, red medieval type symbols bordering on the inside of it. The Morglay's inner surface is blackish brown with red, chain-type ring pattern in the middle. Components need to craft this weapon are 2 Rusty Longswords, 2 Rusty Spears, and 1 Aquamarine.
Precieuse Description
Precieuse.png Is a single-edged silver sword physically similar to a Khyber knife(a Persian and Central Asian knife). It has a straight black grip with a brown sword pommel and its guard containing a thick, curved rim above it. The pointy and curvy blade of Precieuse is decorated with symbols, an outward spike on the bottom, and a black colored surface. The back edge also contains hollowed-out portions. Components need to craft Precieuse are 2 Steel Longswords, 2 Steel Daggers, 2 Mithrils, and 2 Opals.
Secace Description
Secace.png Is a wide, gray double-edged sword. It has a highly decorated grayish white thin grip and cross-guard. Its details is comparable to Gastiga, but with two sets of wings stashed on top of each other and swirl patterns embedded with a red gem on the fuller part. Components needed to craft Secace are 2 Rusty Longswords, 1 Bronze Helmet, and 1 Beautiful Crystal.