Sonic's Swords

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Swift, precise, and deadly, Swords are ideal for those who want a strong melee weapon with little sacrifice on mobility. This weapon type is mainly exclusive for Sonic and the Black Knight with the exception of the Samurai Katana, which can be unlocked in Shadow the Hedgehog(game).

(NOTE: Due to the massive list of swords in the game, there are individual pages according to the wielder.)



Clarent is a double-edged, rusty and cracked broadsword. It is the first sword Sonic gets before acquiring Caliburn. This weapon is immediately disregarded and forgotten after the third mission in the game.



Caliburn(カリバーン Karibān?) is part of the four Sacred Swords and determines who is the true ruler of the kingdom in the World of Camelot. Prior to the events of Sonic and the Black Knight, Caliburn was placed in a stone by Merlin. This blade was successfully pulled out by the once noble King Arthur, but soon returned to its former place due to unknown circumstances. Caliburn was pulled out again by Sonic, whom became its wielder.

Contrary to the typical sword, Caliburn is able to talk and has a strict, formal, and gentleman-like personality. The sword's gender is established as male, and initially not welcoming towards Sonic; constantly calling him "Knave". He eventually accepts Sonic as a true "Knight of the Wind" after he defeated Sir Percival. Caliburn and the other required swords, was able to transform into the legendary Excalibur while Sonic transformed into Excalibur Sonic after Sonic determinedly repairs its companion. In conclusion to the events, Caliburn reveals that Sonic is the true King Arthur.



Excalibur(エクスカリバー Ekusukaribā?) has the base appearance of Caliburn, but extra majestic details. He has a crown shaped figure on the pull-back hilt with a ruby in the center and a glowing outer blade around the physical one. Excalibur is the most powerful weapon in the world of Camelot and only available after the fusion of all the Sacred Swords.


Long ago, Excalibur was originally guarded by Nimue, the Lady of the Lake, along with its scabbard, the Scabbard of Excalibur. The sword itself rested in the lake in Deep Woods where it was held up by fairy magic. One day, a young King Arthur, the noble ruler of Camelot, came to the lake to seek a new sword. Nimue decided to bestow Excalibur and its scabbard to Arthur because he had proven himself worthy of character to wield them. Excalibur eventually became King Arthur's personal sword, and he used it to save the kingdom countless times. However, Arthur apparently never chose to wield it in public, or at least never in front of the Knights of the Round Table.

Over time, the magical power from Excalibur's scabbard which bestowed King Arthur with immortality ended up corrupting the once noble king; turning him into an evil tyrant known as the Black Knight with intentions of enslaving his own people. Eventually, King Arthur's evil began to transform even Excalibur, presumably causing the light of Excalibur to fade away and the Sacred Swords to be split. An illusion of Excalibur was soon forged from King Arthur's essence called, Deathcalibur. With Excalibur gone, the records and stories about the sword itself faded into legend.

Also See