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Souvenirs(お土産 Odosan?) are collectible items exclusive to the PS3 and Xbox360 version of Sonic Unleashed. These items can be brought from the shops in each town with Gold Rings. When the player purchases a souvenir, it can be given to Professor Pickle, whom will give advice about certain aspects in the game. He will tell the player how to defeat enemies, defeat bosses, unlock missions, and how to clear Action Stages.

List of Souvenirs

Name In-game Description
Photo Frame A standing frame containing a photo of various locations. It can be brought from Surfside Seagull Sundries in Apotos, Josel's in Spagonia, Wang's Emporium in Chun-nan, Treeshade in Mazuri, Ursule's Trading Post in Holoska, Golden Trading Company in Shamar, Flying Fish Beach Shop in Adabat, Counter of Dreams 2 in Empire City, and at the Eggshop in Eggmanland.
Miniature Flag A replica of the national flag of various locations. It can be brought from Surfside Seagull Sundries in Apotos, Josel's in Spagonia, Wang's Emporium in Chun-nan, Treeshade in Mazuri, Ursule's Trading Post in Holoska, Golden Trading Company in Shamar, Flying Fish Beach Shop in Adabat, Counter of Dreams 2 in Empire City, and at the Eggshop in Eggmanland.
Potpourri A pouch that fills the air with a pleasant scent. Found at Surfside Seagull Sundries.
Lace Tablecloth A hand-embroidered table cover. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Water Jug A rare and valuable archaeological artifact (well, a replica of one). Found at Surfside Seagull Sundries.
Maschera An ornate mask. Unfortunately, it isn't Sonic's size. Found at Josel's.
Spagonian Glass Crystal ware whose resonant "clink" punctuates any toast. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Spagonian Cameo Jewelry cut in raised relief. The perfect gift for any lady. Found at Josel's.
Censer A ceramic censer used for burning incense. Found at Wang's Emporium.
Lantern A hanging lantern lit by the faint glow of candlelight. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Urn A vase with a picture painted on its surface. Found at Wang's Emporium.
Earthenware Pot A handmade pot that heats up slowly for a nice, even boil. Found at Treeshade.
Equine Carving A hand-carved souvenir that's also the area's most popular. Found at Treeshade.
Tailsmanic Mask Local craftwork said to ward off evil. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Nesting Dolls Dolls of decreasing sizes, placed one inside the last. Found at Ursule's Trading Post.
Model Sled A sled built to scale so it can be put on display. Found at Ursule's Trading Post.
Whale Ornament A miniature whale whittled from solid stone. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Shamarian Sand The bottled sands of Shamar. Rip-off? Nonsense. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Lunisolar Charm A traditional charm carved in relief. It does not deter birds. Found at the Golden Trading Company.
Carpet The work of a master. It would cost an arm and a leg abroad. Found at the Golden Trading Company.
Hammock A rope hammock. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Chehaya Charm A common local charm fashioned after the emissary of light. Found at the Flying Fish Beach Shop.
Anji Sculpture Reduce one player's area on the roulette. Found at the Flying Fish Beach Shop.
Magazine The hottest mag on the stand. Read up on all of Empire City's latest. Can be brought from the Traveling Salesman Wentos.
Jenny "The Perfect Friend! She Sings and Bakes, for Goodness Sake!" Found at Counter of Dreams 2.
Jack O' Lantern A carved pumpkin you put a candle in to creep people out. Found at Counter of Dreams 2.
Egg Balloon A balloon with Eggman's mug on it. Careful you don't let this one get away. Found at the Eggshop.
Eggman Poster A candid shot of Eggman--signed, of course. Found at the Eggshop.
Egg Goggles The goggles Eggman always has on.(For ages 3 and under.) Found at the Eggshop.