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Image of a Zoah.

The Zoah(ゾーア Zoa?) are large, steel-armored creatures embedded with cyan crystal energy. Each one is physically distinct by the design of their armor, heads, and horns. They also dwell within the Twilight Cage and have their own colony with stratified ranks in their society. The prominent status in the Zoah Colony is the military; particularly the Zoah Empire governed by General Raxos. Those who achieve military status are granted honor, respect, and luxury by its government. The middle class of the Zoah society is citizens, whom have rights higher than non-citizens but lower than the military. Anyone can gain citizenship in the Zoah Colony by simply passing the citizenship test. The lowest status is non-citizens, who have little to no rights or luxuries compared to the others.

The main characteristics of the Zoah is their desire for combat and dominion over all other species. Their love for battle also transcends amongst each other, though it is only for personal might and honor. These traits naturally caused mutual hatred towards the N'rrgal, especially due to their constant attempts to dominate their territory.

The Zoah naturally possesses high strength and defense; making them dangerous warriors in battle. Due to the energized crystal within their bodies, the Zoah can discharge it to release energy beams or to activate energy shields for protection. This energy can also form spikes on the vacant areas of their armor and use it as melee weapons or release crystal shards as projectiles.

Notable Zoah

  • General Roxas: General Roxas(ラクサス将軍 Rakusasu Shogun?) is the highest-ranking officer in the Zoah military and governs the Zoah race. The most distinct feature of General Roxas are the metal rings on each shoulder-pad. Although he has a strict and conceited nature, his intentions are always pure towards his people. General Roxas also has a strong sense of honor, which he upholds towards anyone who manages to defeat him in battle. He will grant the victor any favor he/she wishes, even if he personally does not like the arrangement. This tradition is called the Challenge.

  • Commander Syrax: Commander Syrax(シラクス司令官 Shirakusu Shireikan?) is a high ranking commander of the Zoah and chief counsel to General Roxas. He is the dictator of the 5th Rampager Legion. He faithfully follows General Roxas' orders, even if he does not like it.

  • Telra: Telra is a female Zoah who believes the "Night Stalker" ate her son.

  • Haniman: Haniman originally worked for the military with the role of designing holographic projectors. He soon lost his job due to the military believing there was no longer a need for holograms. His new occupation is a merchant selling talismans to counteract the fabled "Night Stalker". However, when Sonic and his friends investigate this, they discovered the Night Stalker is a holographic projection created by Haniman. The team exposes his deceitful practice; causing him to be rejected by his kind.