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Promotional artwork of Sonic with the Wisps.

The Wisps(ウィスプ Uisupu?) are color-coded, alien creatures originating from the Planet Wisp. In their debut in Sonic Colors, the Wisps are the primary aspect of the game's plot. They are also a key feature in the game with each one operating as living power-ups for Sonic to use. They have a special power energy called, Hyper-go-on, which has various properties like empowering machinery and transforming its user into another form to grant special abilities. The number of Wisps first varied in both versions of Sonic Colors; eight in the Wii version and six in the DS version. The Wisps have also reappeared in Sonic Generations for both versions of Sonic to control. In the PC and console versions of the game, Modern Sonic can use the Orange Wisps while Classic Sonic can use the Pink Wisps. But in the 3DS version of the game, Modern Sonic can only use the Cyan Wisps and Classic Sonic can only use the Red Wisps. Their latest reappearance is in both versions of Sonic Lost World and introduces six new types; Crimson(Eagle), Magenta(Rhythm), Indigo(Asteroid), Black(Bomb), Ivory(Lightning), and Gray(Quake). However, they are not involved in the game's plot nor is there a story-related explanation for their reappearance. According to an interview with Iizuka Takashi, the Wisps will become a stable in future Sonic games.[1]

List of Wisps

Image Color Ability Description
Colours BsicPose Wisps.png White Boost Fills up Sonic's boost gauge in order to use the Sonic Boost.
Image Color Ability Description
Colours BsicPose WispLaser.png Cyan Laser Allows Sonic to ricochet off of walls, mirrors, and teleport using the corresponding antennas that appear in the stage.
Image Color Ability Description
YellowWisp.jpg Yellow Drill Enables Sonic to dig through certain surfaces that contain hidden underground rooms, paths, and pipes.
Image Color Ability Description
Wisp Orange.png Orange Rocket Sends Sonic flying directly upward. This ability also allows Sonic to reach higher areas of the stage.
Image Color Ability Description
Pink Wisp.png Pink Spike Gives Sonic longer, pointier spikes that allow him to stick to walls as well as use the Spindash. He also can break wisp blocks.
Image Color Ability Description
Green Wisp.png Green Hover Turns Sonic into a slow-moving hovercraft, allowing him to fly through the air and find hidden areas. Allows him to use the Ring Dash.
Image Color Ability Description
SonicColorsbluewisp.jpg Blue Cube Turns Sonic into a heavy block. It also creates platforms by transforming blue rings into walkable platforms, and vice versa. It can also destroy wisp blocks and enemies.
Image Color Ability Description
Wisp Purple.png Purple Frenzy Turns Sonic into a berserker chomping anything in his path. He gets bigger the more he eats.
Image Color Ability Description
RedWisp.jpg Red Burst Turns Sonic into a fireball, similar to the Fire Shield of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Unlike the Fire Shield, can propel Sonic in any direction.
Image Color Ability Description
Wisp Violet.png Violet Void Turns Sonic into a ghost form that can float through walls and suck up rings and enemies, similar to what a black hole does.
Image Color Ability Description
Indigo Wisp Artwork.jpg Indigo Asteroid Turns Sonic into a floating orb surrounded by a ring, causing anything that Sonic touches to disintegrate and surround him in orbit. The objects move in orbit and able to collect more depending upon how great the range is.
Image Color Ability Description
Crimson Wisp Art.png Crimson Eagle Turns Sonic into a blazing eagle that can fly for a limited amount of time. He can also do a mid-air dash attack.
Image Color Ability Description
Magenta Wisp Art.png Magenta Rhythm Turns Sonic into a musical note that can bounce around, flip upside down, and collects musical notes to navigate.
Image Color Ability Description
Ivory.png Ivory Lightning Turns Sonic into a lightning bolt that can ram into enemies and obstacles very quickly. He generates threads of electricity to shock opponents or charge coils.
Image Color Ability Description
Grey.png Gray Quake Turns Sonic into an iron ball that can scale walls and generate shockwaves to destroy enemies and obstacles by falling.
Image Color Ability Description
Black Bomb v2.png Black Bomb Turns Sonic into a giant bomb that can roll over enemies and explode at enemies at both the player's choice and before the Color Power ends.

Notable Wisps


Yacker: Yacker(ヤッカー Yakkā?) is the knowledgeable ambassador of the Wisps. He is a White Wisp with a distinct curly strand on top of his head and has a friendly personality. He has a strong understand of the English language, even though he does not speak it. Yacker first approaches Tails in attempt to communicate the plight concerning his home and siblings. However, there was initially slight difficulty due to translation errors from Tails' Miles Electric. When the device was able to provide accurate translation of Yacker's words, Sonic and Tails agreed to help.

Mother Wisp

Mother Wisp: Mother Wisp(マザーウィスプ mazāu~isupu?) is a light pink Wisp that appears only in the Nintendo DS version of Sonic Colors. Her appearance greatly resembles a jellyfish with three, vertically aligned eyes. She has fungus type hair on top of her head and is the mother of the Wisps. She produces her children asexually and is the creator of Planet Wisp. She was also captured by Dr.Eggman in the game and eventually mutated into Nega-Mother Wisp from the results of depletion of her Hyper-go-on energy. However, she was soon returned to her normal nature due to Sonic's efforts.

Image of Nega-Mother Wisp.

Also See
